All Your Districts Are Belong To Us

The GOP redistricting that we mentioned last week is finished, according to the Daily Progress. Senator Emily Couric (D) no longer represents Crozet and Free Union; those precincts now belong to Emmett Hanger Jr. (R) of Mt. Solon. (Where?) Keswick and Free Bridge are represented by Edward Houck (D) of Spotsylvania. Couric said, simply, “I think it would be better for the people of Albemarle County to have one senator.” Says Rep. Hanger of his new district, “It looks nice on the map.”

Estatione Fountain Causes Controversy

gabe writes: I’ve gotten three calls today from people complaining about the design of Barbara Shifflett’s new restaurant, Estatione on West Main Street. Is it really the place of city officials to question the aesthetics of an entrepreneur bringing new life and vitality to an area neglected by those same people.

Developer Sues County

United Land Corp. owner Wendell Wood has filed suit against Albemarle County’s Board of Supervisors after they rejected Home Depot‘s bid to build a 130,000 square-foot store on his land. The Board’s rejection of the planned construction was popular among anti-sprawl groups in the area. (Though it was rejected for environmental concerns.) Last June, Wood made #65 on Virginia Business’ “The Virginia 100” list of the state’s wealthiest and most powerful people. Wednesday’s Daily Progress is the source of this story.

2nd DMB Show Cancelled

Today’s rumors turned out to be true: the second Dave Matthews Band show has been cancelled, according to Ticketmaster. The Saturday show is still on, but the Sunday show is no more. It still hadn’t sold out, as of today, so that’s probably why it was called off. I guess there just aren’t enough people in Charlottesville to support two 50,000+ person shows. Too bad.

Traffic Calming Proceeds

Channel 29 reported this evening that the city is moving ahead with traffic calming plans, attempting to slow vehicles in 12-14 locations around town. We’ve already spent $120,000 on slowing down cars on Park Street, a project that has been met with much grumbling. There have been a number of comments on George Loper’s site [1, 2, 3, 4]. For some background on this, you can read the Progress’ February article. No timeline for the $570,000 project has been mentioned in the press.
