2nd DMB Show Cancelled

Today’s rumors turned out to be true: the second Dave Matthews Band show has been cancelled, according to Ticketmaster. The Saturday show is still on, but the Sunday show is no more. It still hadn’t sold out, as of today, so that’s probably why it was called off. I guess there just aren’t enough people in Charlottesville to support two 50,000+ person shows. Too bad.

3 Responses to “2nd DMB Show Cancelled”

  • Anonymous says:

    Can you explain why tickets arrived in the mail today for the 2nd show??

  • will says:

    Yes. You bought tickets while they were on sale. Those tickets are no longer valid. That simple. You’ll probably get a refund shortly.

  • Munk says:

    > I guess there just aren’t enough people in

    > Charlottesville to support two 50,000+ person

    > shows.

    From the number of out-of-towners who’ve asked to crash at my house, I’d presume there aren’t enough people in Charlottesville to fill one such show.

    Probably the $46.50 (+ surcharge) was enough to keep those coming for the Saturday show from sticking around for a second round.

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