New Site:

There’s a new community news and discussion site in town: Operated by Crozet website developer Jim Starkweather, the two-week-old site is just getting started, and in need of a few good users. If you live in Crozet, or are just interested in the goings-on of our neighbor, be sure to spend some time on the site. You’ll also notice that we’ve added’s headlines to the left hand side of the page so that y’all can tell at a glance what new stories they’ve got up. Welcome, neighbor!

Fireball Sweeps over C’ville

There have been reports from New York to Virginia of a fireball sweeping over the east coast around dawn this morning. On WINA‘s 10:30 news update, they reported that they’d received a number of calls from baffled Charlottesvillians who had seen the large, slow-moving comet-like light during their morning commute. The Naval Observatory reports that it was most likely a large meteor moving northward from Virginia until it burned up in the atmosphere. Update 3:13pm: Turns out it was a Russian rocket that had been orbiting Earth since 1975.

C-Ville on Latino Population

If you haven’t read it yet, be sure to pick up this week’s C-Ville Weekly to read Mary Jane Gore‘s “New Faces in Town,” an impressively-lengthy article about the area’s burgeoning Latino population. For various reasons, the local Latino population is largely ignored by businesses, the media, and even much of the general public. Gore explores who makes up the Latino population, and what contributions that they’re making to Central Virginia.

Albemarle Approves Dog Run

Albemarle Supervisors have approved a fenced-in area for dogs in Darden Towe Park. Darden Towe is unusual, in that the 110-acre park is co-owed by the City and the County but covered by Albemarle Laws. Providing this dog run will hopefully quell the debate over leash laws. WINA has the story.

DMB Funds Bike Program

City Council unanimously approved the free-bike program last night after learning that Dave Matthews Band was providing the $4,500 needed to get the program started. City Director of Strategic Planning Satyendra Huja, who is working on the program, said that they made the donation because they liked similar programs that they’d seen while on tour in Europe. Though it was likely that the city would have funded the program, this private donation prevents makes that public funding unnecessary. The story is in today’s Progress.
