New Site:

There’s a new community news and discussion site in town: Operated by Crozet website developer Jim Starkweather, the two-week-old site is just getting started, and in need of a few good users. If you live in Crozet, or are just interested in the goings-on of our neighbor, be sure to spend some time on the site. You’ll also notice that we’ve added’s headlines to the left hand side of the page so that y’all can tell at a glance what new stories they’ve got up. Welcome, neighbor!

2 Responses to “New Site:”

  • Waldo says:

    I hope more folks start sites like these in the area. Anytime that there’s a venue for more diverse voices and more discussion of topics in the media and the public eye, I’m happy. I hope there’s eventually so many specific sites (,,, etc.) that seems so over-broad that it becomes unnecessary. :)

  • will says:

    I hate to disagree, but I must. It would drive me nuts to have to check a dozen different sites every morning when I roll into work just to get a decent idea of what’s going on around town, rather than just pulling up I think having one site that gives a broad overview of the area is a good thing, not a bad one, so I hope doesn’t go anywhere anytime soon.

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