Author Archive for Waldo Jaquith

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Maurice Jones Shooting to be City Manager

Maurice Jones is shooting to be the city manager, Rachana Dixit writes in the Progress today. He became acting city manager when Gary O’Connell stepped down in April. Before that he was assistant city manager. Jones is perhaps best known for his time as a sportscaster for NBC-29 in the mid-nineties and, after that, serving as the city spokesman. An outside search firm is trying to find a replacement for O’Connell; Jones has not yet formally applied, but intends to shortly.

As this process unfolds, keep in mind that Charlottesville has a strong city manager form of government. The city manager is in charge of the city—basically a mid-sized business—the equivalent of mayor in many other cities.

The Hook Investigates VQR

In the current Hook is one of the longest articles that I recall them publishing: Dave McNair’s investigation into the suicide of VQR’s Kevin Morrissey. There’s a lot more information, and better sourced information, than in the Chronicle of Higher Education piece, published last week. Perhaps the most interesting revelation in the article is that there was a 32-year veteran of the UVA-published magazine who says she was forced out by editor Ted Genoways in 2005; after she filed a harassment complaint against him, the university gave her a severance package. She calls Genoways “a danger” who “should not be in charge of other people.”

Obligatory disclaimer: I work for VQR, I’ve accepted a new job elsewhere at the university, this is super awkward to write about, and I’ve lost all perspective as to when I should write about this on and when I shouldn’t. Based on the explosion of comments on The Hook’s site this afternoon and evening, though, it looks like people are still pretty interested.

Homeless Man Beaten Near Mall

A homeless man was beaten half to death overnight, the Daily Progress reports. Robert Kartheiser was found in the bushes between the Omni and the federal courthouse. He’s hospitalized, unconscious, and it’s not clear that he’s going to live. Police don’t have any suspects, and are looking for leads in the case.

Morrissey’s Death Under Media Investigation

The story of the death of VQR Managing Editor Kevin Morrissey two weeks ago has become a topic of great interest. The Chronicle of Higher Education today features a weighty investigative piece entitled “What Killed Kevin Morrissey?”. Author Robin Wilson repeats claims that magazine editor Ted Genoways is rarely at work, that he has left his staff completing much of his duties, and that years of bullying Morrissey culminated in the employee’s suicide. (Genoways denies the charges.) And over at C-Ville Weekly, Brendan Fitzgerald updates his coverage with basically a whole new layer of the story, reporting that Genoways is now directing inquiries to an attorney.

I must again point out that I am one of the four people on the staff of VQR working for Genoways, and that it remains awfully uncomfortable for me to write about this here. Based on the sheer volume of press inquiries I’ve been getting from local and national media outlets in the past two weeks, we can expect to see quite a bit more coverage of this story in the days ahead.

Edwards Resigning from School Board

In what is presumably a coincidence, on the same day that Brian Wheeler announced his resignation from the Albemarle School Board, Alvin Edwards announced that he’s resigning from the Charlottesville School Board, Rachana Dixit writes in the Daily Progress. That resignation is effective at the end of October. The former mayor cited only personal reasons. Dixit did the math, and points out that Edwards has missed a great many board meetings in the last few years—one third of them since January 2008—and even disappeared without explanation for two months early last year. Edwards was elected in 2007, and his seat is up for reelection in November of next year. His term will be completed by whomever is appointed by the board.
