Local Blogger Gathering Planned

A dozen C’ville bloggers got together a couple of months ago, and now Jennifer and Marijean are staging a repeat. C’ville Coffee, Saturday the 30th, 10am. I’ll be headed to the beach for the week the day, but I’ll see if I can delay my departure by a few hours to join up with everybody. If you’re a blogger, a blog commenter, a blog reader (hint: you’re reading one now), or you’d like to take up blogging, do yourself a favor and come on out and meet the crowd. There are now exactly 200 Charlottesville blogs, so the crowd’s pretty big.

1 Response to “Local Blogger Gathering Planned”

  • krasota says:

    I thought the only people awake at 10am on a Saturday in C’ville were those poor souls stumbling about the City Market *before* they find a cuppa coffee.

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