Anoop Ranganath hosts this week’s Charlottesville Blog Carnival. (Or, rather, last week’s. Time flies.)
Friday, I’m hosting on my blog, which should expose C’ville blogs to a whole different audience.
Anoop Ranganath hosts this week’s Charlottesville Blog Carnival. (Or, rather, last week’s. Time flies.)
Friday, I’m hosting on my blog, which should expose C’ville blogs to a whole different audience.
Gangland: not actually an amusement park. (I’m not making that mistake again; sorry, kids.) Also not a word used in Charlottesville newspapers until a few weeks ago, when there was a “gangland-style beating of two teenage boys,” to quote from the Daily Progress. Now the police’s Capt. Chip Harding says that two of the six kids arrested in the attack were not just wannabes, but actual members of the Bloods, John Yellig and Bryan McKenzie write in today’s Progress. As gang activity has spread south from D.C., police around the state have become increasingly vigilant about violent groups like the Crips, the Latin Kings, Mara Salvatrucha. Gangs are nothing new to Charlottesville, but particularly violent gangs or gangs with ties outside of town certainly are.
Developer Lee Danielson announced in 2003 he’d be building a nine-story hotel downtown, on the site of the old Central Fidelity building (and briefly Boxer Learning’s headquarters) at the corner of 2nd and East Main. It was his only remaining entanglements in Charlottesville after he was all but ridden out of town on a rail. By all accounts he never actually did anything to make the hotel happen, and now area developer Oliver Kuttner is buying the 22,000 square foot building for $3.7M, Courteney Stuart reports in this week’s Hook. Kuttner had sworn off any more developments in Charlottesville, having bought up a good chunk of downtown Lynchburg (an area poised for a real renaissance) in the past few years, but he’s apparently changed his mind. He intends to keep the exterior intact, while gutting the interior for restaurant and retail space.
Somehow it escaped my notice that oodles of people took part in the national day of demonstration, back on May 1, right here in Charlottesville. On C-Ville Weekly’s throughly-linkable new site, Nell Boeschenstein writes that 350 people stood outside of the Albemarle County Office Building on May 1, almost entirely hispanics, to make known their numbers in the region. Though that’s not much compared to the 300k marching in Los Angeles, it’s a lot more than I would have guessed for C’ville. Fat lot I know.
I just got back from a four-day vacation, and I just want to say how awesome the discussion about the crash of Flight 349 is. Charlottesville is comprised of a truly fascinating group of people.
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