Immigrant Protest

Somehow it escaped my notice that oodles of people took part in the national day of demonstration, back on May 1, right here in Charlottesville. On C-Ville Weekly’s throughly-linkable new site, Nell Boeschenstein writes that 350 people stood outside of the Albemarle County Office Building on May 1, almost entirely hispanics, to make known their numbers in the region. Though that’s not much compared to the 300k marching in Los Angeles, it’s a lot more than I would have guessed for C’ville. Fat lot I know.

1 Response to “Immigrant Protest”

  • […] The Daily Progress has coverage of the event from Sarah Barry. We’ll update this page with other links as we can find them. We’d like to know what you think as well. Please leave a comment below. Bill Emory has a nice picture of a painting that was displayed on the steps of the Albemarle County Executive Office Building. Waldo has a post on it, and mentions that Nell Boeschenstein of C-Ville Weekly wrote about it as well. Filed under: News, Documentary, CPN Original — Sean Tubbs @ 8:31 am […]

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