Bank Robber Arrested

A suspect in last month’s robbery of the First Union Bank has been arrested. 42-year-old Richard Hawes, of New Castle, has been charged with robbing the bank as well as knocking over the same bank in Blacksburg twice in a single week. He was arrested Tuesday night at a Roanoke Hotel with cash and crack cocaine, and is described by police as “the primary suspect.” Reed Williams has the story in today’s Progress.

C’ville School Board Approves ‘Net Filters

The Charlottesville School Board has endorsed the use of Internet censorware to prevent students from viewing websites considered “harmful to minors.” They’ve done so in order to comply with a law that passed in Virginia in March that requires filters to be placed on computers in schools. WINA has the story about “inter-net filters.”

Man Sentenced for Biting Bondsman

This was one of those stories that made me want to start in the first place. In January, Russell Payne was arrested for biting his bail bondsman in an attempt to avoid capture. Payne, who has Hepatitis C, will spend eighteen months in prison for the biting of Bill Shannon. Judge Peatross ordered man to seek treatment for his substance abuse problem. The story is from WINA.

2nd West Nile Case

A second case of West Nile Virus in Albemarle County has been confirmed. The first case was in a crow found on Garth Road in early September. This latest case, also avian-borne, was discovered on September 28th near Farmington. 128 birds have tested positive in Virginia so far this year, and there should be very few more cases between now and the end of the year, given that mosquito season is ending. No human infections have yet been reported in Virginia. WVIR had the story on their 11pm broadcast. Nominated for VH1 Music Award

I feel a little silly putting this on, but here goes., a site that I help run, has been nominated for the VH1 My Music Award in the “Coolest Fan Website” category. The site is a Dave Matthews Band fan site, and we actually won the same award last year. The whole thing is decided by votes from John Q. Public, so if you want to vote for, or for Dave Matthews Band in the several categories that they’re nominated in, well, I’d appreciate that.
