Students Attacked in 3 Incidents

Over a two-week period, three separate attacks have occurred against UVa students. In all cases, large groups of black attackers have attacked individuals or small groups of students, in some cases resulting in hospitalization. None of the attacks appeared to be provoked or motivated by anything other than a desire to harm the students. There are no suspects in the attacks, and it is not known if they are related. Today’s Progress has the story.

Council Candidates’ Forum Wednesday Night

On Thursday night, from 7pm-9pm, the first City Council candidates’ forum will be held. It will be held in the auditorium of the Jefferson School, and the topics will include affordable housing, the living wage, worker rights in a right-to-work state, poverty, crime, economic development, and/or the state of race relations in Charlottesville. In addition, there will be a half hour when the audience can ask questions of the candidates. 9:27pm Update: The forum is on Wednesday night, as per the headline, not Thursday. Sorry about that.

Full disclosure: This reporter is a candidate for Charlottesville City Council.

The Hook Debuts on the 7th

More details are emerging about Hawes Spencer’s new publication. The first issue is slated to debut on February 7th, and the name will be (oddly) “The Hook,” ostensibly because that’s a nickname for Charlottesville. (?) The creation of The Hook was prompted by Spencer’s recent split with C-Ville Weekly.

Honor Code Change Rejected

UVa’s Honor Committee has rejected a proposal to permit expelled students to re-enter the college if they admit guilt. The idea was to permit students accused of honor code violations to admit guilt prior to their trial in exchange for the possibility of future re-admission. A 14-9 vote in favor of the proposal was insufficient to achieve the necessary 2/3 majority to create the necessary student referendum. The Cav Daily has the story.

WWF In Charlottesville

Last night, the World Wrestling Federation came to Charlottesville, putting on a show for nearly 6,000 people at U-Hall. There were a total of nine matches over the course of the evening. The last time that wrestling came to our fair city was in 1998, when World Championship Wrestling put on a show. Today’s Progress has the story.
