WWF In Charlottesville

Last night, the World Wrestling Federation came to Charlottesville, putting on a show for nearly 6,000 people at U-Hall. There were a total of nine matches over the course of the evening. The last time that wrestling came to our fair city was in 1998, when World Championship Wrestling put on a show. Today’s Progress has the story.

5 Responses to “WWF In Charlottesville”

  • Waldo says:

    I think it’s interesting that I had no idea that this event was planned. 5,800 people knew that there was going to be a wrestling match, but I wasn’t one of them. I wonder where this was promoted, and to what demographics. If I were to go to a wrestling match, it would likely be as a wry, aloof “hey isn’t it ironic that I’m observing this cultural phenomenon” kind of a deal; I’m certainly not somebody that they’re trying to reach through their promotions.

    This isn’t a question, or even a particularly substantial thought, just an observation I wanted to toss out there.

  • Anonymous says:

    I saw it advertised on a poster at the Amoco Station on Pantops a couple of weeks ago. I think I may have even seen a 30 second tv ad for it. I don’t know about you; but I find it funny to imagine our UVA ushers at a WWF fight…

  • Anonymous says:

    It definitely was not promoted to the extent it should’ve been. I heard promos on several radio stations – but the many, many empty seats showed there was more that could’ve been done. Maybe inserting Maven Huffman, an emerging star from right over the mountain would’ve brought in a sellout crowd – I guess they were saving him for the bigger show in Richmond.

  • Anonymous says:

    It definitely was not promoted to the extent it should’ve been. I heard promos on several radio stations – but the many, many empty seats showed there was more that could’ve been done. Maybe inserting Maven Huffman, an emerging star from right over the mountain would’ve brought in a sellout crowd – I guess they were saving him for the bigger show in Richmond.

  • Anonymous says:

    It’s nice to see we’re finally getting some real culture in this backwaters town.

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