Author Archive for Waldo Jaquith

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Fenwick Declares Council Candidacy

Independent Bob Fenwick is running for City Council again, Sean Tubbs reports for Charlottesville Tomorrow. Fenwick ran two years ago on an anti-Parkway, anti-YMCA, pro-dredging platform, and he’s doing the same thing this time around. He hasn’t filed to run yet, and has ten days to do so with the registrar.

Other candidates for Council—Democrats and, if they bother to field a candidate this year, Republicans—may not announce for a while, a result of redistricting this year. Primaries have been pushed back to August, rather than June, while everybody figures out what district that they’re in. While redistricting doesn’t directly affect the council race, it does push back the nominations and will have the effect of shortening the campaign season. Independent Scott Bandy filed last month, and Satyendra Huja delcared he’s running for reelection, while incumbents Holly Edwards and David Brown are not seeking reelection.

Kluge Vineyards’ Goal: “Most Visited Place in America”

From The Daily Beast’s interview with Patricia Kluge:

Rumors had swirled that the widow of her ex-husband, billionaire John Kluge, would buy the land, that a neighbor would take it over and destroy the vines, or another would plow up the Arnold Palmer golf course. But that is in the past. Now, “Donald [Trump] plans to open it to the public and make it the most amazing experience in the world. Hopefully it will be the most visited place in America.” A Disneyland, I ask? “Good lord,” she responds with horror, “nothing that vulgar.”


She is especially thrilled that she had her husband have been asked to stay on to oversee the wines, which have been served at the White House and at Chelsea Clinton’s wedding. “We were monumentally relevant to the world of wine,” states Kluge. “Not just nationally, but internationally. London, Paris you name it. Donald has saved all that, now we are coming back, and we’re coming back with a vengeance.”

(Emphasis mine.)

For comparison, the nation’s most-visited place is Times Square, with 37.6M visitors annually. This woman is delusional. Like I said: this will end badly.

Trump Buys Kluge Estate Winery

Donald Trump has purchased Kluge Estate Winery at auction, Lisa Provence reports for The Hook. The 64-year-old New York billionaire and current presidential candidate bought the estate for $7.3M. Trump now owns a bit more than a square mile of Albemarle farmland about five miles south of town. Another 100+ acre chunk was bought by northern Virginia developer Sal Cangiano, who “thought it would be fun” to run a winery—he has a checkered history in acquiring historic rural properties in Virginia.

Trump’s bound to throw around some contributions to local organizations (I’d put money on him giving money to The Paramount) in an effort to get a little local respect, and while generally celebrities are welcomed to town with open arms, I think things will go poorly for this abrasive birther. This will end badly.

County Approves $304M Budget

The Board of Supervisors approved a $304M budget that holds the real estate tax at its current rate, the Daily Progress reports. That’s a 74.2¢ rate—or 0.7% of assessed value—which, coupled with decreased property values, drops the average homeowner’s taxes by $36.

Student Dies While Exploring Rooftop

A UVA student’s accidental death appears to be linked to an urban spelunking group at the school, The Daily Progress reports. There’s a long-standing UVA tradition of exploring the steam tunnels below and the rooftops above, a tradition carried on by a group called The Bold and the Ruthless. (The organization has taken down their website, but a copy is still available at an alternate URL.) They specifically promote the roof of the physics building as a great place to climb up to (“[it] has an amazing view, including a nice direct line-of-sight up to Monticello…”). It was from the roof of the physics building where local first-year student Tom Gilliam IV slipped down the shingled roof early Monday morning and fell forty feet to the ground. There is no reason to believe that he was under the influence of drugs or alcohol, and no reason to suspect that he was committing suicide—hence the strong suspicion that he was just up there for the view. UVA police are investigating his death.
