Fenwick Declares Council Candidacy

Independent Bob Fenwick is running for City Council again, Sean Tubbs reports for Charlottesville Tomorrow. Fenwick ran two years ago on an anti-Parkway, anti-YMCA, pro-dredging platform, and he’s doing the same thing this time around. He hasn’t filed to run yet, and has ten days to do so with the registrar.

Other candidates for Council—Democrats and, if they bother to field a candidate this year, Republicans—may not announce for a while, a result of redistricting this year. Primaries have been pushed back to August, rather than June, while everybody figures out what district that they’re in. While redistricting doesn’t directly affect the council race, it does push back the nominations and will have the effect of shortening the campaign season. Independent Scott Bandy filed last month, and Satyendra Huja delcared he’s running for reelection, while incumbents Holly Edwards and David Brown are not seeking reelection.

9 Responses to “Fenwick Declares Council Candidacy”

  • Cville Eye says:

    Yey, Fenwick.

  • Cville Eye says:

    i believe Bob Fenwick got over 3200 votes the last time.

  • the boss of me says:

    I’m there Bob!

  • Greene Man says:

    Election? I thought the Duchy of Grand Fenwick was a monarchy…

  • His reference to the “Democrat Party” sure rubbed me the wrong way. Does he call the other major party the “Republic Party,” or is that a grammatical slur that he reserves for the left?

  • danpri says:

    @Waldo. I am with you in a way. seems like more and more often the left verbally groups the entire conservative populous in the “Tea Party.”

  • Betty Mooney says:

    I applaud Mr. Fenwick for his position to put city residents first. Why would anyone who lives in the city support a water plan to turn over tens of millions of dollars of city assets to the county, or the control of a Water and Sewer Authority dominated by the county, and get nothing in return but a bill to be paid for with city dollars, and called maintenance when it is really new infrastructure to support county development.

    We can have abundant water for all the growth we need without building a new dam and new uphill pipeline by dredging the main reservoir at South Fork. This is not about growth; this is about an affordable water plan that supplies all the water we need for decades and preserves our resources. This is about a sustainable solution.

    It’s time to elect city and county politicians, whether they be Democratic, Independent or Republican, who put the interests of their citizens first and do not cave into pressure from special interests.

    We have a chance to change the Council. Let’s make sure those we elect are smart, able to comprehend the facts ( and will not give in to pressure from special interests). Elect Councilors who have a clear understanding of protecting city assets and neighborhoods, and are fiscally conservative in these challenging economic times.

    If we don’t, and our utility bills rise, it will be our own fault.

    Ratepayers unite ( city and county )

    Sign the petition at this web-site if you agree with Mr. Fenwick and hundreds of other city and county residents ( over 350 have signed already ), that we should dredge first for an affordable water supply.


  • Cville Eye says:

    @Waldo, I don’t understand your complaint. All I ever hear out of Dems and Reps moutn is Democrat, Progressive, Republican and Conservative. I agree with Betty Mooney, it is time for people to start putting the residents first, regardless of party. That’s just pack politics

  • Waldo, I don’t understand your complaint.

    There is no such thing as the “Democrat Party,” anymore than there is a “Republic Party.” It’s the “Democratic Party” and the Republican Party.” It’s used as a slur or by people too ignorant to know otherwise.

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