Treasurer Stole $73k from Hollymead HOA

The treasurer of the Hollymead homeowners’ association stole north of $73,000 from them between 2008 and 2012, J. Reynolds Hutchins reports in the Daily Progress. Patricia Anne Cuthbert—not actually a resident of the neighborhood—turned herself into the Hollymead Citizens Association, claiming to have stolen $22,000, and paid back $25,000. An audit this summer revealed that she’d actually taken great deal more, which is presumably what caused them to notify the police, leading to Cuthbert’s arrest. The HOA asked neighborhood residents to keep quiet about it, and the organization has refused to comment to the media, but one resident has gone public.

If this seems familiar, you’re thinking of when the president of Glenmore Country Club went missing, turned out to be dodging an audit of their finances, was turned in by his wife a month later, and wound up being sentenced to a year and a half in prison. The Hollymead situation is, happily, a great deal less colorful.

2 Responses to “Treasurer Stole $73k from Hollymead HOA”

  • Brian Drake says:

    Great post! Thanks for helping exposé this crime. There a few details that add important context. First, a private citizen of Hollymead, not/*not* a board member of the HOA reported the crime. That person reported it when we thought the loss was ~$18,000. Second, the President of the HOA is a personal friend of the accused and took steps to underplay and hide this theft from the community. Third, the same President resisted contacting the police or conducting the audit. Lastly, he scoped the audit just to the alleged thief’s actions. He did not allow the audit to look at other questionable transactions.

  • […] neighborhood, and our HOA have been embroiled in some controversy  and a neighbor was recently arrested for embezzling from the association. It’s good for us, […]

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