Playboy: UVA is the #1 Party School

Playboy has named UVA the top party school in the nation, the AP reports. (Well, Playboy reports, but the story isn’t available online. I checked.) The university isn’t thrilled with the designation. It’s trailed by University of Southern California and University of Florida. This might make it tough for students to push back against city efforts to deal with noisy parties.

15 Responses to “Playboy: UVA is the #1 Party School”

  • Greg says:

    I suppose Playboy would know better than me, but I can’t believe UVA is even the #1 party school in the *state*.

  • danpri says:

    they would have been ranked this before but the student-partiers were considered “professional,” thus ruling them out of previous rankings.

  • dave says:

    My thoughts too, Greg.
    Having come from UVA not too long ago, and having consumed a few beers at some of our other fine state schools, it’s unfathomable to me that UVA somehow parties “harder” than its peers.
    Somehow I doubt Playboy has a rigorous methodology to these rankings.

  • HollowBoy says:

    Remember that years ago a similar story came out with the same story about a Playboy poll.That time it was said to be a myth. Guess they decided to turn it into reality.
    Nothing to be proud of, getting ranked by Playboy, the holy writ of the sexist, patriarchal view of women.Wonder where UVa would rank in a poll for most numbers of rapes and sexual assaults involving students.
    Now if UVa got ranked as the most feminist of colleges by Ms Magazine, that would be something to be proud of. But that won’t be happening soon!

  • danpri says:

    Playboy has writing? LOL. Ms magazine still exists? Learning more and more….

  • Dan says:

    Ed Roseberry, a local photographer who is now in his late eighties, told me during an interview for the Charlottesville Podcasting Network that he once made a living photographing wild UVA parties.

  • james says:

    “HollowBoy” makes a great point – another interpretation of this fact might just be that UVA is the school whose concept of “partying” is most in line with Playboy magazine’s, circa 2012.

  • HollowBoy says:

    Yes. indeed, danpri.Ms magazine is still around, and anyone who joins NOW (National Organization for Women) will be receiving a free sub as part of their benefits.

  • danpri says:

    I don’t believe Ms. magazine is allowed in my man cave.

  • belmont yo says:

    That time it was said to be a myth.

    No. Irrelevant and pretty much arbitrary, but not a myth. Been around when my alma mater was regularly featured in the 80’s. Its was stupid then, and is stupid now.

    the holy writ of the sexist, patriarchal view of women

    Hyperbole much? What is this, 1978?

    Wonder where UVa would rank in a poll for most numbers of rapes and sexual assaults involving students.

    Your unnecessary, gratuitous use of the word “poll” is evidence of the phallocentric-particleptocracy’s strangle hold on English departments across America.

    Now if UVa got ranked as the most feminist of colleges by Ms Magazine

    You are aware there has been at least one, arguably two, waves of feminism since the second, yeah? 21st century. You should check it out.

    another interpretation of this fact might just be that UVA is the school whose concept of “partying” is most in line with Playboy magazine’s

    Could be, but isn’t. Maybe its no different than any of the bulleted lists in any given major magazine (top ten football coaches, 15 secret sex treats men say they want, fortune 500, etc) uses to fill pages, and target their specific demographics. People, generally, are lazy, and lack the capacity for intellectual subtlety and complexity. Thus, they like lists.

    Jefferson probably knew how to party. His school’s current minions? Not so much.

  • Robert says:

    Well, one of the most memorable parties I ever attended was the UVA ‘easters’ bacchanal. Unfortunately I wondered into George Allen’s fraternity whereupon he had his boys deposit me at the curb as one of the 47% or something. Never forgot that sneering elitist grin.

  • HollowBoy says:

    The “myth” refered to is one much earlier than the 80s(60s maybe). It was that there was no Playboy survey of party schools-and that UVa would be in class to itself anyhow. Or something to that effect.
    No its not 1978, but the issues raisd by the feminist movement then (the “Second Wave”) are still relevant, maybe even more urgent. Take a look at what the Republican Party is doing,including our very own Va. Attorney General. Calling it the “Republican War on Women” is not hyperbole.
    Have known quite a few women who were feminists that attended Uva-and they agreed that its feminist consciousness was not too high. Know that the UVA chapter of NOW never had many members. Its a conservative school- just been reading a Cavalier Daily article which says that they still have not gotten rid of that stupid “not gay” yell at football games.

  • TT says:

    What’s the definition of a party school? Plenty of drugs? Lots of booze fueled kids out of their minds? Exactly what does “party” mean?

  • james says:

    TT – lots of women seeking the approval men by confirming to stereotypical subservient traditional gender roles, apparently. plus rich guys drinking.

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