Scottsville Candidate Filed for Bankruptcy

Scottsville BoS candidate James Norwood—who bills himself as a fiscal conservative with business experience in the race—declared bankruptcy two years ago.  #

3 Responses to “Scottsville Candidate Filed for Bankruptcy”

  • Gail says:

    And yet he has been endorsed by the governor according to today’s DP.

  • Cville Eye says:

    Yes, he owned the New Balance outlets in VA Beach, Richmond and Charlottesville and was doing well. Then New Balance started allowing other stores to carry its products, even TV shopping channels and he lost his clientele. He closed VA Beach, then he closed Richmond and then he had to close his store in Charlottesville. Its a sad story because he had no control over his substantial investments.

  • Just Bob says:

    New Balance are the best shoes I’ve worn. The fit the best, etc. The just don’t always last very long. I’m sorry for his financial difficulties. That said…

    He is not well thought of in the namesake of his district (the Town of Scottsville).

    He offered to help a local ailing business and asked to see their books, after which instead off offering solutions, he instead offered to lease the business from the business owner. The business owner rejected the offer.

    After that- He offered to purchase a local BBQ restaurant. He was reject. So he went to the land lord of that establishment and made an offer. The BBQ restaurant received notice that their lease would not be renewed. They had to close. Mr Norwood’s daughter now operates a restaurant from that same location.

    Nuff said.

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