Mallek Named Chair

Ann Mallek has been selected as chair of the BoS, Dwayne Snow vice chair. It was unanimous.  #

6 Responses to “Mallek Named Chair”

  • jogger says:

    Well, I guess Rooker wont’t sit around and pout now that Mallek has been selected as chairperson of the BOS. May be wrong but I believe Mallek is swimming in some deep water as chairperson of the BOS.

  • Jimmy John says:

    May be wrong but I believe Mallek is swimming in some deep water as chairperson of the BOS.

    That’s a pretty vague statement. What is it supposed to mean?

    And regarding Dwayne Snow- Important fact to remember whenever he decides to trot out his family’s decades old Charlottesville business in any attempt to give him “gravitas”…

    Is to remember it wasn’t him that built that business from the ground up.

    He inherited it from his father (or Grandfather) whichever one that used to lived on Evergreen Ave – until he was murdered by some fella (a stranger) he had tried to help (had tried to extend a charitable hand to).

    I had a friend who lived in the same neighborhood…
    Who would always tell me… that whenever the Snow kids would show up they would always end up in his yard playing with is stuff which they would usually destroy (earning my friend the wrath of his parents).

  • Cville Eye says:

    “Is to remember it wasn’t him that built that business from the ground up.” And to his credit he didn’t run it out of business either. Now another Snow is running it.
    “…that whenever the Snow kids would show up they would always end up in his yard playing with is stuff which they would usually destroy (earning my friend the wrath of his parents).” Sounds like gossip to me.

  • HES says:

    He may not have built it from the ground up, but he has kept it running for 30 years. Sometimes the easy part it getting it up and running. The harder part is keeping it afloat.

  • Dirt Worshiper says:

    Politics aside, Duane Snow has pretty long history of public service to this community. He also ran a really positive campaign and deserves credit for that.

    I have no doubt that was a factor in his winning the election. He might turn out to be a great supervisor or he might not. At this point, I’m giving him the benefit of a doubt, and will let his actions speak for themselves. If he approaches each decision with care and concern for this community then I have hope that regardless of his party affiliation that he will do the right thing by us.

    There are some big decisions coming up this year, like whether to expand the growth area or not, or whether we should force a light industrial park upon Crozet without their consent. There may also be great pressure to undo many of the conservation ordinances put forward by previous supervisors. We should watch his decisions on these issues carefully and as citizens offer our encouragement and support for him to do the right thing. If he doesn’t, then that’s what elections are for…

  • HollowBoy says:

    Btw, its Duane, not Dwayne, And I agree the comment about the Snow kids does sound like gratuitous gossip.
    A note on the murder on Leroy Snow. A former employee was charged and confessed to the murder. Unfortunately his confession had to be thrown out because of some procedural violation, and he walked free. Later he brutally assaulted and raped a Belmont woman and was finally put away. But the man literally got away with murder.
    Not living in the county I don’t know a great deal about Duane Snow’s political views. But I do know that his family and business has contributed greatly to the community. And find myself wishing we had some members on City Council with his business background.

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