Progress‘ Council Endorsements

Daily Progress endorses David Brown, Holly Edwards and Barbara Haskins. I’m not sure it does them much, good, though; the paper famously endorsed Kenneth Jackson for council in 2004, asking of the serial knife-wielding felon: “What other candidate has seen the law enforcement system, the court system, the social services system from the perspective of somebody in trouble?”  #

1 Response to “Progress‘ Council Endorsements”

  • regression says:

    I knew there was a reason why I stopped reading the Progress years ago. Damn, are they ever wrong on what ails this city. Although I don’t bother reading the rag, I never took up the popular local habit of calling the paper the “Regress.” Until today that is. I’d give Rob Schilling a write in before voting for any of their picks. Well really, Barbara gets my reluctant vote since we get three for better or worse and she’s the betterest.

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