Hollymead Stone House Demolished

Remember the stone house surrounded by the muck of development at Hollymead that disappeared last week? Jeremy Borden explains what happened in today’s Progress. It turns out that Wendell Wood (who you know for his sweetheart deal with NGIC) has owned the 1920s house for 35 years now, and he’s rented it out to tenants over that time. Wood found that the house couldn’t be moved, so he simply tore it down last week. He expressed surprise that people were so interested in the house (moreso than in the development), but the rumors about the house show that Charlottesvillians root for preservation in the face of development. Wendell Wood, of all people, should know that.

4 Responses to “Hollymead Stone House Demolished”

  • Jack says:

    That’s a damned shame. However, moving a 2 story stone house is no modest prospect. I would not be surprised if the cost of moving something like that even as little as a quarter mile could wind up costing far more than the replacement cost of the house. This is sometimes worthwhile in the case of a historic home. But that’s not what this was.

    I hope that someone was at least permitted to salvage the stone.

  • bill emory says:

    “Wood found that the house couldn’t be moved.” Is WW quoted somewhere as saying the house couldn’t be moved?

    Any house can be moved. Expert House Movers moved the Hatteras Light. More likely, Mr. Wood didn’t move the house because he weighed the financial options and found destruction of the house to be the expedient course.

    Speaking of removals. Thursday, at 4pm in the City basement conference room, there is a zoning appeal about a removal. The City Zoning Administrator contends that 75% of the historical zoning overlay of the Timberlake-Branham property at 1512 East Market was removed by “Clerical error.”

    I am appealing the zoning administrator’s decision, I am asking the City to honor the process in City Code which lays out how historic properties are added and removed from the “Individually Protected Property” (IPP) list.

    I makes me sad to have to petition the City to follow its own law.


    P.S. Any Charlottesvillians that care to “root for preservation in the face of development” are invited to attend this public meeting.

  • bill emory says:

    Clarification! The Board of Zoning Appeals needed a name on the petition so technically I am the appealant. But truly the appealants are a multitude.
    First and foremost, Pfc Thomas Eugene Branham (USMC) who died on Iwo Jima. James and Bannie Timberlake were able to purchase a safe harbor for their family (1512) with funds awarded to them for their son’s service to our country.
    Second and third on the list, Tom Branham’s sisters Lucille and Mildred who were instrumental in having the property listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1984. When Lucille died she requested that her ashes be spread in the pasture behind the house.
    Fourth and fifth on the list, Woolen Mills neighbors Tom and Laura Parmenter who, at great personal expense, advocated for the establishment of and adherence to BAR oversight for the property.
    Many have stood up and contributed to the listing of this historic site, they include:
    Jeff O’Dell, Chairman of the Charlottesville Historic Landmarks Commission, 1989.
    Satyendra Singh Huja
    Virginia Department of Historic Resources
    Charlottesville Planning Commission
    Charlottesville City Council
    The Woolen Mills Neighborhood Association 1988-2007
    Woolen Mills Road
    The list is hundreds of people long…

  • Mike W. says:

    Why does anyone care? It was his house to tear down.

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