C-Ville Weekly’s TV Spots

Here’s something new to our market (I think) — TV ads for a print publication. (Though who can forget The Hook’s possibility unintentionally funny radio spot from back when that paper first launched?) C-Ville‘s two spots were put together by Johnny St.Ours. My favorite:

Two points to the first person who can name the location where each ad was filmed.

10:30pm Update: The Hook points out that they have TV ads, too. In case it’s not totally obvious, I can’t pick up any local TV stations from my home, what with there being a mountain the way.

8 Responses to “C-Ville Weekly’s TV Spots”

  • BusMan says:

    I’d have to guess the JPJ garage and the downtown Wachovia bank.

  • thefoodgeek says:

    Apparently the Real Estate Weekly did short TV ads many years ago. I believe this is when Rob Jiranek was Publisher.

  • perlogik says:

    I only get the first ad which is the market street parking garage.

  • perlogik says:

    Ok the other was filmed in the Boxer Jam building where the new Danielson hotel will go

  • jizzy gillespie says:

    Waldo, how can you forget the Daily Progress’s awesome 80s-style TV commercials that were still running just a couple of years ago (and might still be running now for all I know). I always wanted my band to learn the song from them: “… [something], movies, classifieds, we print it all with lots of pride …” and then a bitchin’ guitar lick. I can’t be the only one who remembers.

  • Maybe they were so horrible that I just blocked them out. :) Thanks to the help of cvillenews.com readers, the only “local” channels that I get are local to DC. I’m on the wrong side of a mountain to pick up local TV stations.

  • perlogik says:

    yo waldo, did I get 2 points?

  • You did, perlogik. :) They’re redeemable at your neighborhood Baskin Robbins.

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