Beebe Sentenced to 18 Months

William Beebe was sentenced to 18 months in prison today for the 1984 sexual assault of Liz Seccuro, the Daily Progress reports. Beebe confessed to the crime in a letter to Seccuro in January of last year, as a part of a twelve-step program, only to claim that he didn’t do it when he was subsequently arrested. Changing his mind again, Beebe pleaded guilty in November, which is what led to today’s sentencing.

3 Responses to “Beebe Sentenced to 18 Months”

  • Cecil(2) says:

    I’ll be very interested to see if anything comes from the whole gang-rape development; as I understand it, part of the deal with Beebe is that he would cooperate in the investigation into who else may have participated in her assault. I would imagine that means he’s providing names of other men who were at the house/party that night. I can’t imagine that any of those men will be all that thrilled to learn that a 20 -year-old assault is coming back to haunt them…Beebe may have been willing to admit his crime and pay the piper, but my guess is that any others have a more cavalier (pun acknowledged but not intended) view of what they did.

  • urbanitas says:

    Could any other parties be convicted without sending a confession letter to the victim as Beebe did?

  • JLOR says:

    If Beebe testifies against them. I expect that’s part of his plea agreement.

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