Happy Fifth Anniversary

Today is the fifth anniversary of cvillenews.com. Last year I celebrated by moving from PostNuke to WordPress. This year I’m celebrating by doing nothing at all. Woo!

Some stats. There have been 1,445 front-page articles over the years, and 14,820 comments. That’s an average of an article every 24.2 hours and one post every 2.4 hours. There are an average of 3,031 readers each day, or about 13,000 unique visitors each month.

Next year let’s celebrate by making cvillenews.com useless with a dozen locally-oriented blogs that are better than this one, and then we can shut ‘er down.

8 Responses to “Happy Fifth Anniversary”

  • bilco says:

    Happy b-day, cvillenews!!

    How about we “crank ‘er up” instead of “shut ‘er down” next year. If we get 12 new, local blogs out there, I think we ought to keep cville (cause I loves it) and for the baker’s dozen effect.

  • IamDaMan3 says:

    my favorite all time poster still has to be good old Sympatico. I always wonder whatever happen to that guy.

  • fdr says:

    Wow, has it really been five years? It’s hard to remember a Charlottesville where one had to wait at least 24 hours to get any updated news online. Thanks for everything, Waldo.

  • jhilker says:

    I agree with bilco – let’s keep it going here! Especially because I can access it from my phone when I don’t have PC access! Is great to keep up with C’ville happenings when I’m away from home.

  • fdr — long time no see. You had account #82 of the 995 we’ve got now. I’m glad you’re still reading. :)

  • gman says:

    Waldo, you should have the little byline with posters “member since XXXX”. Always interesting to see who the “old timers” are.

  • cville_libertarian says:

    Happy Birthday to Cvillenews! Thanks for prividng this great service Waldo. I do hope it continues – it does serve as the free speech wall.

  • cville_skeptic says:

    Congratulations, Waldo, for your fine work on this blog. You’re doing a service to the community. Keep it up.

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