Monthly Archive for February, 2006

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Nelson Gets a Stoplight

Anybody who has ever taken a left from the Food Lion in Lovingston is familiar with the terror that accompanies the maneuver. While certainly not a dangerous intersection, that’s only because people approach it with such trepidation. So VDOT is now installing Nelson County’s first-ever traffic light, Megan Rowe reports in today’s Daily Progress. It is the only planned traffic light in Nelson and, in fact, one of only two VDOT projects in the whole of the county.

Daily Progress Launches a Blog

The Daily Progress has a blog.

These are words that I never thought I would write.

Laura Bland, their Online Content Coordinator, appears to have dragged Bryan McKenzie into the 90s kicking and screaming. It’s got an RSS feed, an Atom feed, categories, monthly archives, comments, trackbacks, and reasonable URLs. Unfortunately, it also has smiley-face graphics, there’s no blogroll, and only Bryan McKenzie is contributing thus far. But, my Lord, what a start.

And just four years and ten months after started! Seriously, I thought it would take a lot longer.

I’m happy to have added the Daily Progress blog to Charlottesville Blogs. Welcome to the Charlottesville blogosphere!

“Evan Almighty” Casting Call

Now you can join the ranks of Charlottesvillians who have been in classic works of cinema like “Major Payne,” “Toy Soldiers,” “Hush” and…uh…”Heart’s Lonely Hunter” — head out to the casting call for “Evan Almighty”, which will be filmed in Crozet and Charlottesville. On February 25 & 26, from 10am-1pm/2pm-6pm they’ll be looking for adults who can play the simple townsfolk of Crozet better than the actual simple townsfolk of Crozet. If you play your cards right, you might be “discovered,” leading to riches, fame, dissatisfaction, depression, and, ultimately, an early death fueled by a mixture of drugs and alcohol.

Have fun!

Yup, Duffy’s Leaving NBC 29

In this week’s Hook, Lisa Provence confirms that Beth Duffy will be leaving NBC 29 on March 2, as rumored. But she won’t be going to the competition: Duffy says she’s done with the crazy hours of broadcast journalism.

Details on One Alleged School Attacker

There are a pair of interesting articles that provide further insight into the attack alleged planned on local schools by three teenagers. The first is Carlos Santos’ interview with the 15-year-old’s father, which appeared in yesterday’s Times-Dispatch. The man expresses complete bafflement at his son’s arrest, saying that he can’t imagine what evidence that there could be against him. The second is Liesel Nowak and Kate Andrews’ discovery of the same kid’s MySpace page, in which he describes himself as “obsessed with guns” and lists his hobbies as “playing with fire and “SHOOTING!!!!” His fellow students have posted positive comments to the site in the past few days, offering their support and assurances that he did nothing wrong.



You are currently browsing the weblog archives for the month February, 2006.