Nelson Gets a Stoplight

Anybody who has ever taken a left from the Food Lion in Lovingston is familiar with the terror that accompanies the maneuver. While certainly not a dangerous intersection, that’s only because people approach it with such trepidation. So VDOT is now installing Nelson County’s first-ever traffic light, Megan Rowe reports in today’s Daily Progress. It is the only planned traffic light in Nelson and, in fact, one of only two VDOT projects in the whole of the county.

3 Responses to “Nelson Gets a Stoplight”

  • cville_libertarian says:

    Arrgh…I _knew_ this was gonna happen…and I have a place not 4 miles from there…how sad. I was hoping to escape the Albermarle congestion and get south to a stoplight-free eden.

    Ya know, given that Nelson hasn’t gotten the legacy poor planning problem you’d think they’d have recognized the need and lobbied for an overpass connecting that end of “main st” to the Food Lion entrance.

  • Cville-lib…. You should refuse to use the stoplight… that’ll teach ’em….

  • cville_libertarian says:

    hahaha…yeah, that’s OK…I’m not looking to kill anyone.

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