Beth Duffy Leaving NBC 29?

Two separate sources have told me that NBC 29 anchor Beth Duffy has submitted her resignation, effective March 1. I’ve heard two different stories of her plans — either she’s getting out of the business but staying in town or she’s been wooed by CBS 19, though I’m more inclined to trust the latter. Of course, I’m in no position at all to authenticate this, so it’s best to regard this as rumor.

Losing a reporter is one thing, but Duffy is the face of NBC 29, as she has been for a few years now. And, more than any other individual factor, it’s a familiar face that gets people to remain loyal to a station. If she were to leave, that would be another minor blow to the station that has lost veterans Robert Van Winkle and Dave Cupp in the past few years, making it all the easier for viewers to flirt with one of the new stations. And if she were going to CBS 19… Well, that would be a major coup for them.

6 Responses to “Beth Duffy Leaving NBC 29?”

  • Big_Al says:

    What if NBC29 lost an anchor and nobody noticed?

  • madman says:

    I noticed when Bill Duval left. Did anyone else notice? Where’d he go?

  • mom133d says:

    I’m pretty sure that NBC29 has a no compete clause so if Beth is leaving, she won’t be appearing on any station near us. Of course, I get this info from a former NBC29 employee (over 10 years ago) so the policy may have chnaged.

  • Wootten says:

    I heard Duval left broadcasting. I think the young folks on 29 are pretty good, especially Grant Lodes. van Winkle and Cupp were good but their loss hasn’t changed my viewing habits. Substance beats personality any day.

  • Big_Al says:

    It is my understanding that “no compete clauses” are rather difficult to enforce in “right-to-work” Virginia.

  • troy_43 says:

    I heard that Bill Duval left to go take care of his ailing parents, somewhere in the Shenendoah Valley. I enjoyed his presentation of the news. I like Beth Duffy as well, especially since she is from King George County, where lots of my relatives came from

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