Albemarle Historical Markers

I just stumbled across a great website that catalogs the the locations and contents of every historical marker in Virginia. It’s maintained by M-CAM’s CTO, Jason Watson. I particularly like the Albemarle County section, because I’ve so often driven past those markers but had little success in reading them at 55mph. Every marker is mapped, photographed, and transcribed. Very cool!

9 Responses to “Albemarle Historical Markers”

  • Mark says:

    I am a history buff, so this link is very useful to me. Thanks, Waldo. Also, I noticed that I am getting a lot of DNS errors in trying and cville news contact links.

    Just thought you would like to know. By the way, this is Mark from Cumberland County; I wanted to let you know that I was elected Chairman for the county committee. Now starts the fun……


  • Also, I noticed that I am getting a lot of DNS errors in trying and cville news contact links.

    I’m moving to a new server this evening, if the good Lord’s willing and the power lines don’t fall. :)

    Congrats on your victory, Mark! It’s a lot of work being chair. I wish you luck.

  • Mark says:

    What a night to do this….. also, I never got a chance to congratulate you on your marriage this year. We met at the Blogger’s Summit. I was sitting at your table, and I never did find the after-summit location in c’ville. :)

    Some time maybe we can tip one or two, if you are in the mood……maybe pick your brain on a few subjects.

    Happy Holidays to you and your wife Amber. (is that right? geez I hope so)

    Have a good night.


  • TrvlnMn says:

    Waldo wrote:

    Every marker is mapped, photographed, and transcribed. Very cool!

    I think – Yes every marker is Mapped. But not everyone is photographed or transcribed. The ones in the Scottsville area were not, nor a few other areas.

    But still it is a very cool website. Thanks for pointing it out.

  • jarsonic says:

    Haha, cool. I didn’t know that Jason had that.

    – Hunter (

  • jarsonic says:

    (I work at M-CAM) ;)

  • Hunter says:

    Waldo, just wondering, is there any way through WordPress to manage comments? As in, edit them or delete them? ;)

    – Hunter

  • Nope — once you write it, you own it. :) I’ve run discussion boards in the past on which editing of comments was permitted, and it never went well. I think there’s a great deal of benefit in having uneditable comments — it forces people to be more cautious (read as: polite) in their conversation.

  • Hunter says:

    Yeah, that makes sense. :)

    Though an in-between position that I think might be worthy of consideration would be allowing comments to be editable for 5-10 minutes after they are posted, allowing for overlooked typos, etc. to be remedied. :)

    – h.

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