New Pantops Development Approved

Last year, the Albemarle County Planning Commission voted unanimously to deny a permit to Richard Spurzem to build a new development on Pantops. On Friday, the county and Spurzem wrangled out an agreement in court, and “Gazebo Plaza” will go forward, at the intersection of 64 and 250. David Hendrick had the story in Saturday’s Daily Progress.

The total lack of planning on Pantops is astounding. Traffic can get pretty backed up at the intersection of the two highways there — it’s crazy to install a shopping center at that spot. Development along 250 East has been going nuts, particularly since Martha Jefferson began their move there. Will 250 East become the new 29 North, now that 29 is all but overrun?

5 Responses to “New Pantops Development Approved”

  • Waldo wrote:

    The total lack of planning on Pantops is astounding.

    I disagree. The total lack of planning is “predictable.” It’s a hold over from the late 80’s and early to mid 90’s when any new development was “good development.” And not much thought was given to the idea of long term planning.

    They should’ve just sucked it up and stuck to their guns with the court fight, instead of caving.

    And can someone PLEASE start making developers responsible for the infrastructure costs their projects cost the community and taxpayers???

    What is wrong with VA that they haven’t started doing this yet !?!?!?!

  • Jim says:

    What are you talking about? They are starting to Master Plan. (Please note the sarcasm here)

  • Jim, sarcasm noted, appreciated and respected. :)

    Using my wonderful gift for stating the obvious… too little to late. They should’ve had this master plan in effect as soon as they had a safe idea that a real estate boom was under way (I’m gonna be generous and say that should’ve be around 1998 or 99. 2001 at the latest.).

    Though I guess that would’ve been too much like “right.”

    The main problem with any Pantops development is that they still haven’t solved the main problem which is that there are only 2 ways to get to the other side of free bridge (one of which involves acting like you want to go to Nelson county, and then sneaking off at I64, back tracking from there to your destination).

  • Jim, I think I read about the beginning of that planning process on your blog a few months ago, and I had to laugh like hell.

    Party like it’s 1990!

  • perlogik says:

    The problem I have always had is when land is zoned for a use how can a Albemarle deny that use. Not taking a shot at anyone here but for many years I’ve listened to people insist on how development should go. These people own no land, have no money at risk, or don’t have to respond to market forces. I have also heard builders whine how their rights are being taken away by zoning. The people I always feel for are people who have lived here for 30+ years bought some acres and now want to sell it and retire. Then a alot of people who just moved here complain (after getting their new house built) how the county is be ruined by building.
    In Albemarle things will get built where there are growth areas. Many people won’t like what gets built where the county wants it to be built.
    I don’t think anything will ever change until Albemarle spends some real money to buy develop. rights from land owners on a much larger scale

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