Martha Jefferson to Move to Pantops

Martha Jefferson Hospital is moving. The 98-year-old hospital has been a downtown landmark on Locust since 1928, and have simply run out of space. So they’re constructing a replacement hospital of the same size (400,000 sq. ft.) at Peter Jefferson Place on Pantops Mountain, plus another 400,000 sq. ft. in additional buildings. They’ll be moving from their relatively-compact 9 acres to 84 acres that they purchased in April. The new hospital won’t be finished until 2008, at the earliest. It’s not yet known what will happen to the existing building, or what the effect will be of moving such a large business from the City to the County. The Progress has a story about this in today’s issue.

1 Response to “Martha Jefferson to Move to Pantops”

  • Waldo says:

    I can see that there was lots of evidence that this was coming (like, say, their land purchase :), but I didn’t see it. Much like the skating rink, the hospital seems like the sort of structure that isn’t easily reused for anything but a hospital. I guess the oldest portion of the structure could probably be reused, but the bulk of the building (based on my few medical visits) appears to be pretty, well, hospital-like. It’s also somewhat of a bummer for them to be leaving. They’ve been such a part of downtown for so long that I can’t really guess what the effects might be of their departure. I imagine that a good number of their employees (like at the NGIC) probably purchase from downtown stores, maybe walk to the Mall for lunch, so I expect that we’ll see an impact in that regard. I wonder what other results that we’ll see?

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