Hosting Moved to BNSI

I’ve long hosted on an old Linux server connected to the internet via DSL. It moved with me to Blacksburg in 2003, and then back to C’ville earlier this year. When my power goes out, the site goes down. When I download something big, the site gets slow. It’s a pain, but it’s free.

No longer. has gone all professional.

Colin Learmonth, of BNSI, e-mailed me last week and offered to host the site, gratis. BNSI is where I’ve long sent my clients to have their sites hosted, so I jumped at the chance. I just now finished moving the site over, and I’ve somehow managed to avoid screwing it up. Colin didn’t ask for it, but I’ll make up a little “Hosted by BNSI” button to display on the front page somewhere, because I appreciate his generosity and, frankly, I’m proud to have a site of my own hosted by BNSI.

It’s 100% uptime and fast page loads from here on out.

15 Responses to “Hosting Moved to BNSI”

  • Sympatico says:

    So, you mean, maybe, perhaps, uh, we could upload some pics to illustrate our pathetic posts?

  • IamDaMan3 says:

    if Sympator is allow to post pics of himself, I am out of here.

  • Waldo says:

    So, you mean, maybe, perhaps, uh, we could upload some pics to illustrate our pathetic posts?

    Definitely not. That would be a bug, not a feature.

  • OldCottonPicker says:

    Good Move. The web page now loads much faster. I am on Cable. Before, it would take forever to go to a next page. Thanks

  • Sympatico says:

    So, if I’m using Imageshack to host a graph of some study’s key stats, and your blog would show the pic of the chart, that would be a “bug” in your world?

    Uh, is the computer mouse an aberration of progress too, for you?

  • Waldo says:

    So, if I’m using Imageshack to host a graph of some study’s key stats, and your blog would show the pic of the chart, that would be a “bug” in your world?

    You asked about uploading pictures. That’s altogether different than in-lining them.

  • Sympatico says:

    You are being elusive and hiding behind technicalities. Whether “inline” or “uploaded”, a regular poster can’t display images.

  • Waldo says:

    Whether “inline” or “uploaded”, a regular poster can’t display images.

    Nope, they can’t, because then everybody else would have to download them. There’s nothing keeping somebody from posting a 1MB image, whether to be a pain or out of ignorance. There’s no reason why you can’t provide an HREF to the image in question.

    Jefferson never used a graph. I figure we can do without ’em.

  • Sympatico says:

    Jefferson never used a graph. I figure we can do without ‘em.

    There’s a lot Jefferson and his contemporaries did without. I figure we can do without your blog altogether, no?

  • Waldo says:

    Dunno — give it a shot and let me know how it goes.

  • Sympatico says:


  • Lafe says:

    <img href=”pwned.gif”>

  • Lafe says:

    s/href/src/g (d’oh)

  • NorstatX says:

    Congrads on the move! Not to advertise, but friends and I have had good experiences with for webhosting too.

  • Waldo says:

    Yeah, but Omnis is in California. I like to keep my business local. :)

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