U.Va. Students to Burn in Hell

We’ve had quite a week here at the University of Virginia, with not one but two separate demonstrations to warn us of our eventual damnation. On Monday, evangelist Michael Woroniecki (yes, that Michael Woroniecki) brought his entire family to grounds with huge signs that said things like, “REPENT” and “SATAN RULES” and so forth. They screamed at students that they were destined for hell, and suggested that Hurricane Katrina was a sign of God’s wrath. (The Woronickis are evidently against church, and encourage a personal relationship with the Lord — but you’re probably getting it wrong and will go to hell anyway, unless you join his cult-like following.) From the Cavalier Daily:

The Woronieckis said they have toured college campuses throughout the United States, Europe, Morocco and Central America for over 30 years preaching their message.

“You’re going to hell,” Mike Woroniecki, the father of the family, told the officers and students. “If you’re not going to hell, I’m a fool. If there is a hell, I’m the most loving man in the world for telling you.”

Students responded as you might expect — gawking and snickering — while two industrious young men stood next to the demonstration and unfurled a huge banner that read, “BULLSHIT.” In response to a complaint from the dean of students, the police tried to convince the Woronieckis that they needed written permission to demonstrate (not true) but they eventually left peacefully.

Then on Thursday, we received a visit from Life and Liberty Ministries, a group that is currently on a “Face the Truth Virginia” tour of college campuses. They arrived in a truck that was literally covered, on all sides, with graphic photos of aborted fetuses and the hopeful message, “God hates … the hands that shed innocent blood.”

Small children held up graphic photos of aborted fetuses, while adults passed out pamphlets with more gruesome photographs and quotes from the Bible. The group is also against birth control and homosexuality, though their protest at U.Va. focused primarily on abortion.

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