Madison Rezones Rt. 29 for YASC

Madison County, following in the footsteps of Greene County, has rezoned 35 acres along Rt. 29 for commercial development. It’s right next to the new Madison Plaza shopping center and across from the high school, and could include office space, a pair of restaurants, and a hotel/conference center, though that’s speculative. As Rt. 29 in Greene and Madison becomes increasingly built up, it’s becoming decreasingly clear what benefit will be offered by the long-debated 29 Bypass. Olympia Meola has the story in today’s Progress.

3 Responses to “Madison Rezones Rt. 29 for YASC”

  • IamDaMan3 says:

    okay allow me to understand this:

    -Cville hates and will fight any growth that is car friendly. They want to encourage people in taking the bus, biking, or walking. LEAVE THE CAR AT HOME is their motto.

    -Albemarle realize they can’t stop growth so they push zoning up the arse so it will be a pain for developers. Like for instance, they say you need X amount of trees and X amount of this crap to get pass. If you want to develop in my neck of the woods, you better make it look like something Jefferson would design.

    -Greene says ‘if you don’t want them we will take them’. With a lot of people moving to Greene because the cost of living is so high in Cville/Albemarle, Greene would be happy to take the middle and working class.

    -Madison says ‘ we don’t want be left out’

    now what does this all mean. 29 is the only road between rural Madison and downtown Cville. 29 is a mess thanks to ALL LOCAL LEADERS EVERYWHERE from CVille to Madison. I am saying is that this area as a whole is doing a piss poor job addressing growth. Cville HATES the fact you have a car yet the cost of living is crazy. Albemarle’s idea of affordable housing is anything above 200k and still you would be lucky to get a box with a living room for that.

    Greene and Madision have their arms wide open for people who don’t want to pay that much to live in Chalbemarle.

    I think that is why you see people like Wendal Wood and other developers licking their chops to build northern Albemarle. They are not aiming to the people of Charlottesville but rather the people who escape it.

  • cornelious says:

    I support BANANA

    Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anyone

  • Sympatico says:

    I am not against all and any growth – far from it – but I do not understand your continuous promotion to make Charlottesville become the same hideous sprawling suburban nightmare as almost everywhere else in our “globalized wasteland”. I may understand some that want cheaper housing and more shopping in the case they are somehow ‘tied’ to the area, but I think you’ve said you have no attachments to cville (no kids or spouse) other than a just adequate job. I may be wrong, but I think that’s what you’ve said in the past. Why not go live in Greene, Waynesboro, Short Pump, Virginia-Beach, Greensboro, Lafayette, Jacksonville, Houston or any other of the thousands of look-alike cookie-cutter cost-cut consumer paradises in America today?

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