Roosevelt Brown Dies

Charlottesville native and football legend Roosevelt Brown died yesterday at his New Jersey home, apparently suffering a heart attack. Brown played for the Giants for 12 years, contributing to their spectacular success in the late 50s and early 60s. His offensive line play earned him a spot in the Hall of Fame. Brown was 71 years old.

3 Responses to “Roosevelt Brown Dies”

  • IamDaMan3 says:

    i thought we can’t talk about sports in here. It is sad hearing a local legend pass.

  • Waldo says:

    i thought we can’t talk about sports in here.

    There’s no rule against it. :) I just don’t follow college sports, so I can’t really write about local sports. I tried a few stories a few years ago, when I first started the site, but nobody cared, so I stopped.

  • wrytous says:

    I don’t want to nitpick, really I don’t, but he’s a football (American) player, not a football (soccer) player. It’s a bit jarring to see the general-purpose sports icon picture of a soccer ball next to his name…

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