Progress: Gay Wedding Announcements OK…Kind Of

When Elizabeth Clopton and Mary Bouldin got engaged recently, their engagement announcement was rejected by the Daily Progress. They were told that they couldn’t even buy advertising space, because their impending marriage would only be recognized by their church, not the state. (See last week’s Hook for the story.) Now Progress publisher Lawrence McConnell has backpedaled a little. Same-sex couples can promote their engagement or wedding, but only by paying for advertising space in a section of the paper other than the “Family Album” section in Sunday’s Lifestyle section. The setup is perhaps best described as separate but not quite equal. Lisa Provence has the story in this week’s Hook.

5 Responses to “Progress: Gay Wedding Announcements OK…Kind Of”

  • IamDaMan3 says:

    The freedom of speech means that the govt. cannot throw you in jail if you have thought on anything. I mean god knows how many Bush haters would have been jailed in the last year for speaking up againist him. However, the freedom of speech does not include the private sector. One thing that people keep on forgetting a. The Regress is basically afraid. They are afraid they might lose some advertising dollars. You see, printing this union will not be a popular for the more conservative minds. And if they advertise with the Regress, they might reconsider sending them any sponsorship. Can you image a christian business man opening up his newspaper to find his $1000 full blown ad next this annoucement. It might or will happen.

    My friend who owns a small business will never give the CVille a cent of any advertising money. He thinks that Ted Rehal (*spelling) is a nut case. And he feels any advertisting money that goes to the CVille will be support that loon. Now is it the Cville would should be worry, I don’t think so because there are some advertisers who like that loon. Yet, if there was a drop off in sponsors because the CVille was printing this guy’s thoughts, then the business side of the newspaper will think twice in publishing him.

    What I am saying is that the real issue is the all mighty dollar. Like it or not, the Regress is trying not to step on any toes. I do think that they might have lost SOME advertisers heck I know my friend will never send them any money too.

  • Waldo says:

    The freedom of speech means that the govt. cannot throw you in jail if you have thought on anything. I mean god knows how many Bush haters would have been jailed in the last year for speaking up againist him. However, the freedom of speech does not include the private sector.

    I don’t think that anybody has cited free speech as an issue thus far — at least, I don’t recall anything about that in either of The Hook’s articles. The Progress isn’t a common carrier, so they’re free to determine what they do and don’t want to carry. But there are equal protection concerns, as well as the appearance of being homophobic (if I may abuse the word).

    The excuse that they’ve cited — that such marriages are creatures of the church, not of the state — is more than a little ridiculous. Every week, they list churches, their times of worship, and special events. There is no question that little Jimmy’s baptism is an event that falls within the realm of church rather than state, yet they list such events without apparent protestation.

  • IamDaMan3 says:

    "The excuse that they’ve cited — that such marriages are creatures of the church, not of the state — is more than a little ridiculous. Every week, they list churches, their times of worship, and special events. There is no question that little Jimmy’s baptism is an event that falls within the realm of church rather than state, yet they list such events without apparent protestation."

    again it is the paper’s decision on this. They don’t want to step on anyone’s toes by having gay marriage then it is their decision. Like I said it is all about money.

  • IamDaMan3 says:

    uh oh we don’t like gay people in Virginia, quick don’t elect George W.

  • merlin03 says:

    i don’t want to see the announcement in the paper, nor do i want my kids to see it either. i’m glad that the Progress told them NO. i hope they don’t sell them space, if so, charge them 10x the amount.

    go to San Fran if you want spread your gay beliefs around, leave Virginia alone.

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