Kendra Hamilton Running for Council

UVa doctoral candidate and Rose Hill Neighborhood Association president Kendra Hamilton has announced that she is seeking the Democratic nomination for City Council. Hamilton has named police/community relations and race relations as issues that she’d like to tackle on Council. The three incumbents who are up for reelection — Democrats Maurice Cox, Kevin Lynch, and Meredith Richards — have not yet announced if they will seek reelection. The Democratic nomination convention is scheduled for February 7th, less than three weeks from now. Elizabeth Nelson has the story in today’s Progress.

9 Responses to “Kendra Hamilton Running for Council”

  • Belle says:

    According to today’s WINA report:

    ‘The Democrats already hold all three of the seats on this year’s ballot, and party elders are waiting for Maurice Cox, Meredith Richards & Kevin Lynch to announce their plans. Cox plans to make his announcement at 11 a.m. Thursday.’

  • JizzMasterZero says:

    I don’t understand — wtf are the incumbents doing waiting this long to announce? Last election there were candidates coming out of the woodwork months and months in advance. This just seem strange.

  • Petedowntown says:

    Good grassroots, activist sincerity. I’m behind Kendra ! Just what this city needs to add to the mix at City Hall and build inclusiveness for residents of this city.

  • Belle says:

    Petedowntown writes: Just what this city needs to add to the mix at City Hall and build inclusiveness for residents of this city.

    This is too vague for me to understand. What do you mean?

  • IamDaMan3 says:

    I guess the grassroots starts with signing up with Cvillenews and postings a free ad.

  • Petedowntown says:

    From my humble view Kendra Hamilton works directly for residents of this city. She does not come with any agenda other than improving the quality of life for people who live here. It’s funny though how quickly she was asked about her position on MCP and where she wants to take that! Charlottesville is not just for business and developers. Real people live here. I believe Kendra will bring a fresh perspective to City Hall.

  • Petedowntown says:

    Right on !

  • Belle says:

    I’m still not following you.

    But the (and our) form of representative democracy depends on elected officials casting votes on behalf of constituencies. In this case, her prospective constituency would be the entire City. As such, she should (and indeed must) think about the MCP and other issues and their relationship to the ‘quality of life’ (as you put it) of the ‘real people’ (again, your words) who live here.

    I don’t doubt that she is very lovely person and all. But I don’t think that is enough on which to ask for political support.

  • Petedowntown says:

    Thanks Belle that’s great!

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