Gordonsville Officer Fired

The disappearing and reappearing Gordonsville police officer has been fired. Last Thursday, the Gordonsville Town Council voted to fire Officer Emerson Brown as a result of his not-wholly-explained three day absence. Brown, who joined the force less than a year ago, maintains that he was robbed of his service weapon by two people to whom he had given a ride, and from there his tale becomes somewhat more murky, involving a multi-day manhunt in Fredericksburg in an effort to retrieve his weapon. Olympia Meola has the story in today’s Progress.

3 Responses to “Gordonsville Officer Fired”

  • cornelious says:

    This event involved, in part, false reporting by a police officer.

    I think it unfortunate the officer was not an employee of Albemarle County where we have more things to do than investigate wrongdoing by law enforcement personnel and to conduct sustained , aggressive ,followup news reporting on our "open" cases.

  • IamDaMan3 says:

    Why do we need them? They are all corrupt. I say ANARCHY!

  • Big_Al says:

    Sounds like this former officer is definitely Albemarle County Sheriff’s Dept material. Has Ed Robb contacted him yet?

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