Best Buy to Open Today

Jim writes: Best Buy opens today at the traffic-starved intersection of Route 29, Angus Road and the 250 interchange. The City is still combating VDOT on their placement of a new traffic light on 29 (three within 100 yards) and the throngs are poised to strike for deals on electronics, gadgets, etc. if you have an unbridled urge to witness chaos’ inception, walk on down to Best Buy around 5:30 this afternoon. 11/08 Update: In today’s Daily Progress, Elizabeth Nelson writes: “Lines of cars stretched from the brand-spanking-new, just-opened, Best Buy electronics store next to the U.S. 250 Bypass all the way up U.S. 29 to Seminole Square Shopping Center for much of Friday.”

7 Responses to “Best Buy to Open Today”

  • Waldo says:

    I got such a kick out of Jim’s tongue-in-cheek recommendation that people "walk" to Best Buy. It’s hard enough to drive there!

  • IamDaMan3 says:

    Boy, I love it. So where were the protesters for this big box?

  • 22blitz says:

    all of the protest people were crying at the new target. i think that the best buy was given the benefit of the doubt. but who knows. this is going to bring charlottesville a boatload of money. well got to go. peace

  • cornelious says:

    "……….going to bring charlottesville a boatload of money…………"

    I suppose. The fear is one can never tell what they are liable to do with it. I hear there is a sale

    on traffic lights.

  • will says:

    The ideal solution to this problem is clearly the Meadowcreek Parkway.

  • IamDaMan3 says:

    we can’t have that, it would be even more traffic

  • IamDaMan3 says:

    I found it a whole lot easier to go the back ways on Angus. I would suggest to anyone to drive the back ways to get to Best Buy. I know this might make the people living back there a little mad about it but who cares we don’t live there.

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