Camblos: Shiflett Investigation Still Open

Commonweath’s Attorney Jim Camblos says that the investigation into former Deputy Stephen Shiflett’s alleged shooting by a black man is still open. Camblos says that he wants to see “appropriate charges brought against that person or persons who has broken the law.” Camblos has thus far refused to charge Shiflett, and there had not previously been any indication that the case remained open. The Progress filed a FOIA request with Albemarle for the investigative report that police had provided to Camblos Reed, but it was denied by the county. Williams had the story way back on the 9th. (Ntelos can’t installed my phone line/DSL at my new place in Blacksburg until this weekend at the earliest, so I have to steal bandwidth here and there. I don’t know the area very well yet, so it’s only every couple of days that I can get on-line.)

3 Responses to “Camblos: Shiflett Investigation Still Open”

  • cornelious says:

    Well, well, well, and I thought charges couldn`t be brought on false reporting unless the alleged miscreant confessed. Now that we have passed that monster hurdle I don`t understand Camblos statement:

    "wants to see "appropriate charges brought against that person or persons who has broken the law."

    Well, Bring them – who else is to bring them?

    I would like to know what the grounds were for denial of release of information re the investigative report. There must be grounds for this refusal. Let us examine the grounds and determine if they are fluff or have some meaning.

    The question remains:

    Why aren`t you bringing charges Mr Camblos?

    Keep digging Reed but please use a pickaxe. I`m overjoyed to see a gutsy reporter in town and I hope the Progress continues to trod upon toes as a newspaper worth its` salt should. And don`t forget the good things- although difficult to find -perhaps the police should be congratulated for their conclusions the report was false if indeed that is the case. At this point noone seems to know with certainty..I hope your colleagues are noting your activity.

  • JizzMasterZero says:

    I would like to know what the grounds were for denial of release of information re the investigative report. There must be grounds for this refusal.

    My guess — and this is only a guess — would be that they’re calling it an ongoing criminal investigation. There’s a FOIA exception for that that allows cops to withold information that could jeopardize their case if it was publicly known.

    Of course in this case, that would be bullshit, since for months they’ve been making it clear that they aren’t really investigating and don’t intend to charge anybody. But cops love to use that exception because it gives them a blanket rule they can toss out to keep things secret when they want to.

    Also, for what it’s worth, county government is far worse than city government about FOIA requests. Clyde Gouldman and Craig Brown are quite pleasant — even helpful — about such requests, and that sets a good example for the rest of City Hall. The culture in the county, meanwhile, is pretty much the opposite.

  • trueresources007 says:

    Oh! Shifflett… how I remember all that pride you had.. walking in the local grocery store waving your badge of glory…. always making fun and putting other people down. So tell me Shifflett

    where is all that pride now?

    Dont see you much in the grocery store…

    is the wife doing the shopping now?

    and is she still on the county’s payroll?

    Or is the heat too much for her as well.

    What happen to the chick at the IHOP?

    maybe it was The IHOP chick that took a shot at you. Or maybe a jealous wife.

    As the old Proverb goes…. With Pride there always comes a FALL..

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