Court Square Renovations to Attract Tourists

ColinC writes: Government officials broke ground yesterday on new renovations to the Court Square district of downtown Charlottesville. The area will take on a more historic look in order to attract tourists, with brick streets and sidewalks guiding visitors from the Downtown Mall to Court Square. Utility lines will be moved underground, and plaques will be set up at the sites of Charlottesville’s original buildings. The project is expected to cost around $3 million. WINA and the Daily Progress have the story. (From 91.9 WNRN.)

11 Responses to “Court Square Renovations to Attract Tourists”

  • Sympatico says:

    Moving utility lines underground is always a good idea. Expanding the downtown area to encompass more than one street is also a good idea. Now if only they could find a way to encourage businesses to actually be open more often, that would too be a good idea.

  • Lafe says:

    "Now if only they could find a way to encourage businesses to actually be open more often, that would too be a good idea."

    More tourists/patrons == More profitable business hours == Longer hours.


  • IamDaMan2 says:

    Now you can correct me if I am wrong:

    The downtown business owners wanted to have a event weekly to bring traffic to the downtown. Hence the Friday After Fives was born. Soon, the masses of people decided to make the trip to the mall during the summer months on Friday especially. But the downtown business owners do not like the type of people the FAF attracts hence they would close before 5. Or these downtown business owners feeling left out would close thier business to take in FAF.

    Also, lets not forget about parking. For those of us not driving a vespa. You have to pay 5 dollars or more to park. Could you imagine Fashion Square getting greedy and charging for parking. You would notice the empty spaces at the mall.


  • blanco_nino says:

    they should tear down court square and build a target there. that’d bring people downtown.

  • IamDaMan2 says:


  • Sympatico says:

    It’s catch 22, isn’t it? What is the formula for success?

    Well, one ingredient I can give is to band together. There’s no obvious coordination between downtown businesses at this time. How many times have we been there and virtually nothing is open, even in the middle of the day! The businesses need to make a coordinated effort to provide a modicum of services, at least from 8 AM to 9PM. For instance, there must be at least a full-menu restaurant open every day of the week during those hours. One of the main reasons people eat at Apple-Bee’s is they know what to expect in terms of open hours and type of fare. You can’t expect people to regularly visit downtown businesses when the days you check them out, they’re *all* closed.

    For instance, a diner like the Hardware Store is great, but it’s often closed.

    How about a pet store there? Or an athletic outfit? I’m impatient to find out what kind of shows they’ll offer at the Paramount. Right now, we have to go to Richmond for any kind of Broadway show. Perhaps cville could associate with the UVA drama department and split some shows with Culbreth Theatre!?

  • Lafe says:

    On the other hand, parking on the downtown mall during FAF is now sooo much easier, since they started charging for admission.

    I can’t help but think that this is a bad sign for FAF itself, though.

  • IamDaMan2 says:

    this own downtown is anal about parking. I remember one night we decided to go to Wild Wings. And there was some guy in a van telling us that it was 4 dollars to park. We told him we were gong to Wild Wings and he told us to park near the bridge. YET YET, that parking lot was like 1/3 full. Great Idea, if people wanted to go out, lets hit them up for some extra.

    Cville blows sometimes (noticed I said sometimes)

  • Krues8dr says:

    And where exactly are these tourists going to park?

  • cornelious says:

    Every time I read your post I consider you my newest and bestes friend. LOL

  • cornelious says:

    The Paramount talks of great billing to come. Let us both hope it comes to pass. Then again……………………………………………….

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