Man Falls to Death Downtown

Last night, an unidentified man fell three stories to his death on the Downtown Mall, several readers report witnessing. Jackson Landers, who was sitting in the Miller’s cafe at the time, says that at approximately 10:35pm, he heard the sound of breaking glass overhead. He looked behind him to see the man falling, facing upwards, and heard him hit the ground next to the Hamilton’s cafe. Several witnesses rushed to aid him, but he was determined to have died at the scene. The usual media outlets (Daily Progress, WINA, WVIR) have reportedly not offered any coverage on this thus far, so nothing more is known at this time. 09/15 Update: The Daily Progress identifies the victim as 19-year-old William Dean in an uncredited article. Dean lived in a loft in that buiding; his father owns Terry Dean’s Dance Studio on the second floor. Sgt. Farruggio says that “he either fell or he jumped.”

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