University of Virginia Blockaded!

dsewell writes: Anyone trying to reach from a * host today is greeted with the following message:

Access Denied
Access to from all of the University of Virginia is temporarily denied. This is because of the actions of several users that have been abusing the site quite extensively for the past few months, to the point at which it’s made it impossible to continue to provide access to

So in theory I shouldn’t even be posting this news item. Luckily I still have a nonexpired account on one of the few ISPs to offer shell accounts, so I am clunkily reading Cvillenews using the good old Lynx browser.

Anyway, what happens to a community discussion board when its largest participant is out of the game? Is this censorship? Or is it more accurate to label as de facto censors the idiots that are causing problems?

07/11/02 Update: has been unblocked.

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