Graduation This Weekend

UVa graduation is Sunday, though there’s a full schedule of graduation exercises scheduled for the whole weekend. All of the traffic problems that come with thousands of parents descending on the town are to be expected. On Sunday, CTS will be running buses every 5-10 minutes between downtown and UVa. The graduation ceremony begins Sunday, on the Lawn, at 10am. Gov. Mark Warner will be speaking. Remember to be nice to our visitors. They come here, they give us money, and then they leave. It doesn’t get any better than that.

7 Responses to “Graduation This Weekend”

  • Waldo says:

    Thank god I don’t get paid to run this site — that was the single least coherent blurb I’ve ever written. :)

  • Lafe says:

    Heh, your perceived lack of coherence will only be mirrored in the chaos that will descend upon our town this weekend.

    But you’re right. They come, they pay, they leave. I’m already resigned to the fact that there won’t be an open reservation at any (nice) restaraunt in town. That’s ok, though, since I have some website work I need to do anyhow. This will just encourage me to stay indoors.

  • Anonymous says:

    your not going to work inside. Fess up, your going to see “Attack of the clones”. Go ahead, admit it.

  • archagent says:

    Too bad there’s no “erase” option here like on the Virtual Chalkboard, but doesn’t the editor of this ‘zine have purview to curb the sociopaths?

    Just askin’…

  • Lafe says:

    I saw it. Was good. Yoda cool.

  • Anonymous says:

    your command of the english language when combined with your stunning wit has left us all breathless. Hope your summer goes well as you continue your english grad school studies at the Saddam Insane school of English.


    your the best

  • Waldo says:

    On Sunday, CTS will be running buses every 5-10 minutes between downtown and UVa.

    13 of us waited for a bus for half an hour on Sunday morning. It never showed, and we had to perform a fairly awkward two-trip car shuttle service to get everybody over to graduation. While waiting, I called CTS twice in hopes of getting either a person or a machine telling me the weekend’s plan for additional bus service, but I got neither.

    I called CTS this morning to ask why I was told that there would be buses. The woman that I talked to (I recognized her voice as the same woman that I talked to last week that told me there would be regular buses from downtown) said that she thought maybe there was only be buses from Water St. She put me on hold to check, and came back a minute later to tell me that there were no buses downtown (surprise, surprise), only going between U-Hall and UVa.

    I’ll have a hard time convincing those 12 people to ever ride the bus again (only 1-2 of them ever had). The good news is that a few of them were relatives visiting from out of town, so they’d never be riding the bus again anyway.

    Thanks, CTS.

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