Water Shortage Over

After seven months, the water shortage is over. The Albemarle Board of Supervisors voted to end the water emergency declaration that was declared last November. Area reservoirs are full after recent rainfall, although the groundwater supply is still quite low. Peter Savodnik has the story in today’s Progress.

4 Responses to “Water Shortage Over”

  • Anonymous says:

    Those with wells would disagree with the rescinding of this resolution.

    The water shortage is not over unless the underground water table is back to normal levels -which it is not.

  • Anonymous says:

    It’s great that we have this rain and it’s great the local reservoirs are full. But I have to agree with the first poster about the groundwater being low. It’s too soon to declare, “Drought is Over!” It’s been a long drought (it seems like it is longer than seven months to me).

    It’s interesting that so many local governments do not want to have to face up to any hard choices. And if someone gets upset, the solution is to either drop the project, pray for rain, move it somewhere else (maybe where no one cares or can mount an effective protest) or blame a higher entity. God forbid we tell people: STOP WATERING YOUR LAWNS.

    I guess what bothers me is that with every new bit of construction on green land is that we destroy or disrupt underground reservoirs which go to the one we can see near Earlysville (and others). There’s no thought as whether or not our land can sustain the level of new homes, business, etc. and have water. Lately there have been a spate of articles and books about the looming shortage of water. Just a thought.

  • Big_Al says:

    Here here!

    Speaking of which, can anybody tell us if there is money in the county budget to help fund ASCA? County water doesn’t come within several miles of my house, and I’d hate to think I’m helping subsidize other peoples’ water waste.

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