UVa Vote Defeats Honor Code Change

A referendum has failed to change the UVa Honor Code‘s single-sanction system. Of the 5,569 votes, 3,346 were against permitting the accused to confess and receive a three-semester suspension instead of expulsion. The system currently has just one punishment: expulsion. Nick Chapin has the story in the Cavalier Daily.

3 Responses to “UVa Vote Defeats Honor Code Change”

  • Anonymous says:

    UVa students decided that choosing personal responsibility and accountability of one’s actions is the right path to take. Shame on those who voted otherwise, and those who brought this action to the table.


  • Anonymous says:

    same as it ever was….same as it ever was

    every four years the question is asked and the answer remains the same

  • Cecil says:

    I wish I were as optimistic as you. I think UVA students decided that choosing personal responsibility and accountability for one’s actions is the right path for ALL OTHER STUDENTS to take. But wait until a student who argued passionately against changing the Honor Code is himself or herself caught cheating–then, it will be a whole different story, “I was under stress, it’s not _really_ cheating,” etc.

    Sorry to sound so cynical, but I teach UVA students, and like all students (and all people in general, for that matter), they can be quite militant about upholding the highest of moral and academic standards when they’re talking about it in the abstract. But when it gets personal (like, when they get a B instead of an A), then you don’t hear so much about standards; that’s when the excuses and the blaming of others rears its ugly human head.

    Note: I don’t think UVA students are any worse in this regard than any other students. And I’m not saying that students are particularly duplicitous or conniving–they are no more so than any other human beings.

    That said, I’m glad the Honor Code change was defeated. Although I know plenty of faculty who are reluctant to bring honor code charges against a student precisely because of the single-sanction–so there are that many violations never being reported because some instructors are personally opposed to putting a student in a position where he or she could be expelled. Which kind of defeats the purpose of the Honor Code.

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