UVa Men Defeat Duke

Astoundingly, the Cavaliers defeated Duke in men’s basketball last night, 87-84. UVa, who fell out of the top 25 this week, beat the #3 Blue Devils in a 12-point rally in the last 7 minutes of the game. The AP has the story.

2 Responses to “UVa Men Defeat Duke”

  • fdr says:

    That’s not astounding; it’s just what Virginia does! As any fan knows, the only time to worry about Virginia losing a game is when they’re expected to win and have established a lead. The earlier and greater the lead, the more likely it is they’ll lose. In a game against a top-ranked opponent, however, where nobody believes they have a chance (e.g., Duke or [formerly] Carolina in basketball, Florida State in football), they pull off a great one at least every other year.

    I’ve noticed this rule applies to both football and basketball, and a quarter century of observation has led me to conclude that the phenomenon has almost nothing to do with who’s coaching. It’s just Virginia, the poor darlings. No matter how much Cav fans sometimes secretly wish we could have been born Tarheels or Blue Devils, we’re stuck with what we got, and we love ’em. :-)

  • Anonymous says:

    “No matter how much Cav fans sometimes secretly wish we could have been born Tarheels or Blue Devils,”

    I have NEVER, EVER wished I was born a dukie or a tarheel- two of the most obnoxious creatures ever to crawl form the ooze of creation. The rest of your post is dead on.

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