Monthly Archive for January, 2002

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Detective Robinson Back at Work

Albemarle Police Detective K. W. Robinson is back at work, NBC 29 reported this evening. You might remember Detective Robinson from his December suspension from the force for his August beating of 21-year-old suspect Corey Faison. Robinson’s capacity with the force is reportedly limited pending the outcome of his trial. You can read the story on-line on WINA’s site.

No Money for Western Bypass

Representatives from the city and the county say that the state has no money to build the 29 Bypass. The plans to build it have gone back and forth for several years now, but it’s looked inevitable for some time. Without money, of course, it’s impossible. WINA has the story.

Budget Hearing Tonight

Tonight’s City Council meeting is big. Beginning at 7:30 tonight (2nd floor, City Hall), Council is hearing recommendations on the budget for the upcoming fiscal year. If you want the city to fund anything, or there’s any financially-dependent thing that you want to ensure will continue to exist within the city, this is the meeting to be at. If you can’t be there, you can watch on public access (ch. 10 CFW, ch. 13 Adelphia), express your views on their website, or call 970-3101 during the meeting.

Spencer’s New Weekly

This week’s C-Ville Weekly reports on their split with co-owner and former editor Hawes Spencer. The story is the first public mention of Spencer’s intention to start a new local weekly newspaper (rumored to hit the stands within mere days.) It looks like things are about to get interesting in the local media.

Tinsley Receives MLK Award

Long-time community activist Grace Tinsley was honored with the annual Community Service Award presented by the Martin Luther King Jr. Community Celebration and Worship Service last night. The three-hour event at the packed Performing Arts Center featured music, prayer, and even a theatrical performance, all in the name of Martin Luther King Jr. Tinsley was the first black woman on the school board, a CHS nurse, advocate of the creation of the public defender’s office, and even registered black voters out of her home in the 1963.



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