Searls Announces Council Candidacy

Alexandria Searls announced her candidacy for the Charlottesville City Council on Saturday, making her the 6th (and likely final) candidate to come forward for the Democratic nomination. Her bio reads: “Emphasizes the preservation of our educational initiatives and of the historic buildings that anchor our communities. A teacher and photographer, she serves on the McIntire Park design committee, the 2002 Virginia Commission for the Arts Grants Panel, and is a member of the Friends of Jefferson School. She is also Co-Chair of Recreation Precinct.”

Full disclosure: This reporter is a candidate for the Charlottesville City Council.

3 Responses to “Searls Announces Council Candidacy”

  • Anonymous says:

    That’s confusing. It should read “Full disclosure: this reporter is also a candidate for city council.” And as always kudos for your sense of integrity.

    I will say here what I said on the chalkboard. Who else is running? I see no list of candidates let alone platforms and qualifications. Since we have no election in Charlottesville–only a nomination process by one party–now is the only chance we get to vet them.

  • Waldo says:

    That’s confusing. It should read “Full disclosure: this reporter is also a candidate for city council.”

    You’re right — I’ve changed that appropriately. Thank you!

  • Anonymous says:

    Hey, does she really live in the city (as opposed to Joan Fenton)?

    Waldo, how do plain folks who lean towards Democratic tixs get to be part of the nominating process? I’ve attended one in the past but it was clearly dominated by career/lifetime City Democrats (and admittedly at least 10 years ago). Let’s face it, in the city, the nominating process is the true test of electoral power (much like Democratic primaries in the South in the 60’s).


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