At tonight’s City Council meeting, they’ll be voting on a proposed city park leash law and a Downtown Mall noise ordinance. The leash law would require that dogs be kept on leashes in all city parks, though the city would look into establishing dog runs at several parks. The Downtown Mall noise ordinance is something that has been discussed for some years, though most intensely in 1998, when the Jewish Mother (a restaurant) was a little too loud for residents’ taste. Now they’re looking to limit music to 75db in the daytime and 65db at night. If you want to get your $0.02, be there by 7:30pm. Updates follow below. In a nutshell, only discussion tonight, no votes.
1:50pm Update: KevinCox points out that there will be no vote on the leash law, only on the noise ordinance. There will, however, be public comment on the leash law.
4:45pm Update: Kevin went on to check with the city, who said that, despite what the city website says, there will be no vote tonight on the noise ordinance, either. In any case, there will be discussion, so that’s something.
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