Bayly Changes Name

The Bayly Art Museum has a new name: University of Virginia Art Museum. It seems that it became known as the Bayly Art Museum because it’s in the Thomas H. Bayly Museum. More important, this is the first step in their plan to build a $30M, 41k-square-foot museum next door. The museum director points out that “the name of the museum could change again to reflect a major gift.” Dave Matthews Band Art Museum, anyone? Erin Montgomery has the story in today’s Cav. Daily.

Foxfield Making Changes

In light of Foxfield‘s recognition as a “disaster” (in the words of an Albemarle County Supervisor), it’s fortunate that Foxfield met with representatives from the ABC, the county, and MADD. Foxfield has become known as a twice-annual drinking festival for UVa students that only tangentially involves horses and something about running in a circle. Recommendations include limiting attendance to 20,000 people (2/3 of this spring’s attendance), increase enforcement of drinking laws, and selling more non-alcoholic beverages. The Progress may have the story today, but only the Cavalier Daily’s article can be linked to.

Nifty Gift From Virginia Republicans

Janis Jaquith writes “Hey, everybody, I just got this swell gift in the mail from the Republican Party of Virginia — it’s this black sign that says in big, bold letters, ‘I’m a liberal and proud of it.’ This is so cool! I’m gonna tape it up inside the back window of my car. I’ve always wanted a bumper sticker that said something like that, and now, voila! it shows up in my mailbox. Alls I need is a little Scotch tape, and I’m in business. Thanks, Republican Party of Virginia!”

You know, my girlfriend got one of those too. We’re both liberal Democrats, and it wasn’t immediately clear, even after reading through the mailing, that it was criticizing Democrats. I think I was supposed to be horrified to find that certain state candidates were in favor of homosexual marriage (“God forbid the promiscuous heathens marry!,” I think I was supposd to cry out), that some people would hypothetically favor raising taxes if it was necessary, etc. I wonder how Democrats ended up on this mailing list. Did anybody else get this?

UVa Moving Down Emmett

The University has bought a good chunk of Emmett Street over the past few years, by way of the The University of Virginia Foundation, a company set up to purchase property for UVa. (Set up because, if UVa buys land from the City, they don’t have to pay property taxes, which the City hates. So this organization does pay taxes, so the City’s tax base isn’t eroded by UVa’s expansions.) The plan is to turn the street into an entrance way for the University, starting with Scott Stadium and new basketball arena. They’ll also demolish some of the properties between Ivy Road and Massie Road so that they can expand Central Grounds. Their current problem is that they don’t own the Chevron or the Budget Inn, and they’re not sure that they can do anything until the owners of those properties sell. Sarah Marchetti has an extensive story over at The Cav. Daily’s most excellent site.

Ivy Man Arrested for Child Porn

Allen Graves of Ivy has arrested last Friday by the Albemarle Fire Marshall’s office (can they do that?) on charges of reproducing child pornography. They were investigating several arsons on his street a few years ago when they, apparently believing him to be a suspect, seized his computer. That was when they found the illegal material. WINA has the story.
