Follow Up: Jefferson Theater Prices

Jefferson Theater owner Hawes Spencer pointed us to a recent article in the Cav Daily — turns out that the Jeff has bumped their prices from $2.99 to $3.00. Says Spencer, “The criticism of the 99-cent cheesiness recently expressed on was also quite a strong factor in my decision.”

Albemarle Chief Supports Review Board

Albemarle County Police Chief John Miller supports the idea of a citizen review board, an idea put recently forth by disgrunted local Daley Craig. Miller will submit a formal proposal to the county, supporting the creation of a board that will be able to review police actions, but not have access to internal investigations. Kent Willis (director of the Virginia ACLU) told the Progress that “no citizen review board will be able to effective do its job without access to internal investigations.” When asked by the Progress if any Albemarle officers should be off the streets, Miller replied that he’d “better leave that one alone.”

Man Scammed Out of $100K

An 86-year-old man in Waynesboro wired $100,000 to a Canadian bank account after being told that he had to provide it in order to claim a $1,000,000 prize. The Better Business Bureau has issued an alert about US/Canadian sweepstakes scams, as this is apparently an ongoing problem. The story is from WINA.

University Ranked #21

This year’s US News and World Report college ranking puts UVa as the 21st best college in the country. It’s also ranked as the #2 public college, losing last year’s #1 position to Berkeley.

Cows on the Loose

The Progress has a great article today about runaway livestock up 29, near Fashion Square. An anonymous user tells us it’s “about two escaped cows and the fate they met. To quote one of the interviewees from the story, ‘Cows ain’t dumb. Cows are smart.'” Take two irritated cows, several hours, heavy traffic, a tranquilizer gun, some police, and what do you get? Apparently, about 1,050 pounds of beef.
