Spencer’s New Weekly

This week’s C-Ville Weekly reports on their split with co-owner and former editor Hawes Spencer. The story is the first public mention of Spencer’s intention to start a new local weekly newspaper (rumored to hit the stands within mere days.) It looks like things are about to get interesting in the local media.

Tinsley Receives MLK Award

Long-time community activist Grace Tinsley was honored with the annual Community Service Award presented by the Martin Luther King Jr. Community Celebration and Worship Service last night. The three-hour event at the packed Performing Arts Center featured music, prayer, and even a theatrical performance, all in the name of Martin Luther King Jr. Tinsley was the first black woman on the school board, a CHS nurse, advocate of the creation of the public defender’s office, and even registered black voters out of her home in the 1963.

Spacek Wins Golden Globe

Charlotteville actress Sissy Spacek picked up a Golden Globe last night, WINA reports. She won the prestigious award at last night’s ceremony in L.A. for her performance in “In The Bedroom.”

Web-Based Chalkboard Launched

Today, The Thomas Jefferson Center for the Protection of Free Expression launched their on-line simulation of their planned free speech monument. Though it’s not finished, strictly-speaking, the Progress apparently decided that it was, given that they carried a story today (credited to “Staff”) announcing it. The on-line chalkboard was created by me for the TJ Center, with the generous support of George Loper.

SCC to Mull Over Power Plants

The State Corporation Commission has voted to consider power plant applications in light of the tremendous amount of plants that are currently planned. Because power plant proposals were once uncommon, each proposal was considered on their own merits rather than as a part of a larger system. Austin Graham has the story in today’s Progress.
